Bronze VIP Archive for May 25, 1999
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Warning! Possible Spoilers!!
- Nancy Holder says:
(Tue May 25 15:55:30 1999
- Gotta head out...thanks for the comments on our know I can't comment on what's going on, but I do want to thank you for all the support you've given Chris and me this season.
- Nancy Holder says:
(Tue May 25 15:49:18 1999
- XanderAngelus, sure. I clicked on your name but couldn't get your email address to come up.
- Nancy Holder says:
(Tue May 25 15:44:15 1999
- Monique, thank you! I'll be sure to check it out!
- Nancy Holder says:
(Tue May 25 15:42:19 1999
- Slay Me, unfortunately, my book will not be published in July as planned. I'm not sure when it will be released, but I hope you will enjoy it when it does come out.
- Nancy Holder says:
(Tue May 25 15:33:38 1999
- I'm good...working, as usual. I shouldn't get involved in the discussion about postponing tonight's ep...but PLEASE, guys, don't take it out on people like Chris and me by boycotting all things Buffy. We work really, really hard to do our best, and we want you to enjoy what we do for a living!
- Nancy Holder says:
(Tue May 25 15:27:56 1999
- This is a driveby from one of the Buffy book authors. How is everyone today?
- Chris Beck (composer) says:
(Tue May 25 10:24:21 1999
- last post
Wish, demonica1313, Phillipe - Thanks
English Ollie - Me a star? Thanks
Circe - OK, I'll check it out
Sarah W - no worries :)
Troll - thanks for the sentiment but actually the dealine is in two parts. I can replace "Doppelgangland" with either Choices, The Prom, or G1, but that's it. I'm sticking with my original submission... it's not the end of the world.
Angle Man - I'll check my e shortly
Bye everyone. If it's any consolation, G2 is pretty much a stand-alone episode. The mayor's ascension and the whole Angel thing aren't really dealt with. You won't miss anythying.
(Did anyone believe me?)
- Chris
- Chris Beck (composer) says:
(Tue May 25 10:12:54 1999
- second second-to-last post
Rile - yes I did four eps or so of "The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest"
wisher420, Anais, Icelord - thanks
The English Slayer - fast and lots of bangs, just the way I like it. Baby.
Pill-Krazed - Arts? Please. Without exception for every scoring gig I do I sign away all rights and ownership of my music. Fox is free to throw out part or all of any score I write and use something else (which thankfully they don't). So it won't work to try to appeal to my own sense of artistic/moral sensibility re ownserhip of "arts". (read: I sold myself out a lolng time ago and never looked back) While the WB's situation is different (they license the show from Fox, not buy it outright) everyone involved, from Jamie Kellner to Joss Whedon to the guy who plugs in the lights knows that it's the WB's prerogative to air the show or not.
Having said that, just because the WB is within their legal rights doesn't mean I agree with the decision.
But saying that they have no right NOT to air the episode IS censorship, is it not?
Angel Love - thank you. I'm currently working on an HBO movie called "Caracara", and there are a couple of feature film projects in the works for later this summer as well.
VT - please say hi back to Cosmic for me k?
- Chris Beck (composer) says:
(Tue May 25 09:56:41 1999
- second-to-last post
Sarah W. - hi back to M�l, I hear ya, I hear ya
Fax1 - thanks for the kind words, but I think with a little of that perspective you talked about in your post, I can safely say a campaign on my behalf would be unnecessary. :)
Little Willow - thanks, e on the way
Witchy Woman - thanks
Hi Monique.
Haven - Themes for each character, not really. Sometimes I have a theme for an episode. Sometimes I score theme-less. There is of course, a Buffy/Angel theme; actually there are now three, the most recent being introduced in the Prom ep where they break up.
Circe - yeah, the only reason I was considering G1 was for the last ten minutes or so. The rest of it is pretty subtle.
- Chris Beck (composer) says:
(Tue May 25 09:44:35 1999
Opus, omnipotent - haven't spoken to Joss but if I do I'll tell him he has all of your support
Angel love - thanks & hi
Cate, VT - if I win it will be for "Doppelgangland" (that's what I submitted)
Troll - no, in fact I just checked the rules, it must air nationally in the US
Iceman - There's nothing Joss could do even if I told him how many people were upset. Besides I'm sure he knows. And remember... it's just a TV show.
Thanks Carita.
DoBoy - I agree with you on the money issue; the WB is probably covering their behinds in case a shooting incidient *happens* to occur at a high school graduation in the next month, and that's the money issue. However "Buffy" has no reason to be afraid to go up against Home Improvement. the WB is in a different league ratings-wise than the big 3 (4?) - look at the numbers, Buffy consistsnetly ranks 60th or 70th or 80th and yet it is considered a huge hit. It's all about demographics...
Sarah W. - on a scale of one to ten I agree.
- Chris Beck (composer) says:
(Tue May 25 09:33:25 1999
Iceman, greengirl - Nope, Canada doesn't count. And thanks for thinking of my career, but... occupational hazard. Emmys are cool but do they have any nutritional value? I think not.
Xanthe - yes I saw G2, and (see below) there's a certain logic to the decision (as succinctly stated by CoffeeDragon), but I would not have pulled the ep if I were Jamie Kellner. Does that answer your question?
Pill-Krazed - I see your point, I guess we just have different definitions of censorship. It's a free country, if a private company legally buys the rights to a creative product, who are you (or anyone else) to force them to disseminate it to the public?
longtimelurker - thanks.
slay_me - don't worry about Buffy or Angel's future. Buffy ain't goin' nowhere, it's way too important to the WB. And in three months this whole cancellation thing won't seem quite so critical to the survival of the universe. As for Angel's future, well, it's certainly not as assured as Buffy's, but that has nothing to do with pulling G2. If the Angel series has good characters and good writing people will tune in whether or not is was properly set up at the end of Buffy's 3rd season.
Angle Man - thanks, and without a doubt there are no missing scenes, just a trim here and there and a changed ADR line or two.
- Chris Beck (composer) says:
(Tue May 25 09:22:15 1999
Hey Sarah W., yup, see below. And LOL at the prospect of my G2 cameo...
VT - OK, kicking I could actually enjoy, at least from you
Hi Contessa, banana
MeeB - well put. So it aired in Canada... strange no? "Canadian bootleg express" LOL.
Troll - no problem - I've no doubt they will air it eventually. Look at the bright side - not one but two new eps to show during summer rerun hell.
StG - LOL I've seen G2 more than enough times by now thank you
Kenickie - a bit pissed... yeah that sounds right.
English Slayer - Demanding are we! At least you said please. Ummm... no, not yet. Gimme three to six months OK?
- Chris Beck (composer) says:
(Tue May 25 09:13:22 1999
Angle Man - believe it or not the cuts that were made were pretty insignificant. I was surprised reading all the press releases and/or rumors that said a "heavily edited" version was going to be shown. No such version ever existed.
Circe - Just sent you e back... Unfortunately it kinda does mess w/ Emmy submissions. If I may be selfish for amoment here... To be considered a show has to air by May 31. I was hoping to submit *both* parts of Graduation Day (which you're allowed to do) for a one-two punch. But I' don't think G1 by itself will do it... there were some interesting scenes from a musical perspective in G2 that were key in my decision. I could submit G2 by itself for next year's Emmys though. Thanks for asking...
English Slayer - whoops, jmumping the gun a bit on that birthday wish, though the sentiment is appreciated. The music for G2 was if nlothing else plentiful (30 minutes, a record). But as i said above it did have some interesting and new opportunities score-wise.
katvamp - thanks for the hugs, right back atcha
- Chris Beck (composer) says:
(Tue May 25 09:03:31 1999
OK, for the record, I'm as pissed as you all are.
This is not censorship; the WB is a privately run corporation that can choose to air or not air the shows it buys as it sees fit (however miguided those decisions might be).
This is not a publicity stunt. G2 would probably be one of the highest if not *the* highest ratings-grabber of the season. You can bet the WB is going to rouse the ire of many an affiliate. To air the ep later in summer or just before the start of s4 wastes a terrific sweeps ratings opportunity.
There's no sinsister plot here; I believe the WB sincerely believes airing G2 would be insensitive in the current climate. I happen not to agree, but if I twist my brain around just so I could see why they might want to postpone it until most high schools have had their graduations. The twisting hurts though so I'll just leave my brain alone and be mad with the rest of you.
Ohand hi VT don't kill me please ok? :)
- Chris Beck (composer) says:
(Tue May 25 08:54:59 1999
grr argh