Bronze Posting Board VIP Archive

Bronze Beta VIP Archive for January 25, 2002

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Warning! Possible Spoilers!!

Steve DeKnight says:
(Fri Jan 25 20:44:21 2002)
Lilyana: Hey! Quit poking me! I�m trying to work!

Listening: Always a good idea to worship Fury. I got a totem I kiss every day.

Tiggy: Hey, gorgeous! Got the e. All sounds good. I�ll e you back this weekend. And of course � I check your site at least once a week. Thanks for all the hard work!

Princess of Darkness: Too bad you�re missing it! Get on out to LA!

Just Me: Welcome to the fold. As for Spike � hmm. I�m thinking a good suntan might clear that boy right up. Hee hee hee.

Cushy: You little scamp! This is a family board!

Okay, gotta fly and actually do some work on this nutty little show. Send you pics to Tiggy, and I�ll see you all next Friday.

*poof, I say, poof*

Steve DeKnight says:
(Fri Jan 25 20:29:19 2002)
Newt: Marti�s one wily customer. Gotta get up pretty early to trick her � and I like to sleep in.

Wendy: Yeah, nobody likes reruns. But if we didn�t have them, we wouldn�t have enough time to write and shoot the new eps. In TV, you�re always racing to stay one step ahead of the air date. But new eps start Tuesday. Rejoice!

Zeus: I�ll mention it to them. No, wait � I like my job.

WildHeart: Hey, I�m rooting for Spike and Buffy to work things out. That�ll give us evil guys a better image.

Bzengo: Yeah, Spike�s playing nice now. But heck � he sure did kill himself a mess of innocent people before that, didn�t he? Not something you can just skate over. But still � I hope those crazy kids work it out. As for Tara getting killed � OVER MY DEAD BODY! If she goes, where�s all the hot girl-on-girl action going to come from?

Genevieve�s Lucy: Can�t comment on the Dead Things spoilers �cause hey � I don�t read spoilers. And neither should you! Bad Lucy, bad!

Wendy: Don�t know what Marti said, so can�t comment on it. She�s feeling great! She�s very firm, but also soft in that great huggable kinda way � of, wait. That�s not what you meant, is it?

Cissy: Spike? Huh. He still on the show? I thought we killed him already.

Cori: I feel honored to be your first. When we�re writing a script, it�s one big stress fest from start to finish. Every section is important to us. Ahhhhh! The pressure! I can�t take the pressure!

OldManFan: You�ll be sorely missed! My ep, Dead Things, will air on Feb. 5. My next ep after that will be 19, which should air early May.

Supermrk: Hey, if I�m not having sex, THEY�RE not having sex. NO SEX FOR YOU!

Squireboy: Always gets busy this time of year. Go figure.

Raindeer: Aww, you know just how to butter my bread. Now send a pic to Tiggy and I�ll butter yours! As for Dead Things -- nope. Uh uh. I ain�t talking. AND STAY AWAY FROM THOSE SPOILERS!!!

Impaler General: Why stop with just those three? I say some nifty Spring cleaning is in order. Hee hee hee.

Christopher Marlowe: I�ve seen parts of the ballet ep. of Angel. I think that Whedon kid might go places

TaraDi: I agree with everything Marti says. Always. �Cause hey � have you SEEN Marti?

Ruyen: Usually, we�re assigned eps. According to who�s up in the rotation. Idea-wise, most of the time Joss will �this or that needs to happen in this ep.� Then we gather as a group, kick around a bunch of ideas, then pitch them to Joss. He picks whichever one makes him tingle, then we break the story as a group. At least I think that�s what happens. I�m usually daydreaming about bedazzled underroos, so it�s all a little fuzzy.

Frodo: Read it. Liked it. Very sharp analysis.

Miss Dark Kiss: Would love to, but I�m a bit pressed for time. Fill it in for, would ya?

Molly: A boy can dream. Sigh.

Natasha: Spy pants, I take it? Saw your pic. Your name suits you perfectly � super spy. Know any martial arts?

Okay, I�ll skim the next round and pick out anything I have a snappy reply to. Then this bird�s gotta fly.

Steve DeKnight says:
(Fri Jan 25 19:48:04 2002)
Abt: We�ve been watching you. We know what you like. ;)

Frodo: Nice deconstruction of All the Way. But OMG! You�ve never seen Stars Wars?! Turn in your geek card � we�re kicking you out!

Tennis 7723: I�ll answer your questions if you promise to send Tiggy a pic of your bad self (that goes for the rest of you deadbeats, too). Promise? Okay then. Of course I�ll be at the PBP. Unfortunately, they�re making me wear pants. Sarah works super hard, extra long hours on this show and her other various projects. Doesn�t leave a lot of time to join us at events. If she did, that sweet guy of hers would never see her. Yep, all new eps in Feb., starting with mine on the 5th. Ye-hah.

Conor: I hope I can make it. All depends on my Buffy/Firefly/Animated Buffy schedule. And of course I�ll need a nap in there somewhere.

Ergoshakes. Always a pleasure. And hey � I like the flowers too.

AusieBulldog: The iron slinging goes well. New program, trying to get lean and mean. Grrrr. Had to eat Miss Kitty. Needed the protein.

Eirefaerie: The Friday goes well so far. The actors and actresses auditioning for Firefly are sitting outside my office. The beautiful people are indeed beautiful.

Steve DeKnight says:
(Fri Jan 25 19:27:11 2002)
Yo ho ho! It's a tough day over here at Buffy Central, so I can only stick around for about a half hour. Have it at, me matey!
