Bronze Beta VIP Archive for February 18, 2003
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Warning! Possible Spoilers!!
- -mere- says:
(Tue Feb 18 20:58:45 2003|
- tralf: your site, ya little chucklehead. and way familiar with the Maternally-Influenced-Coiffure Issue. when i did it, the convo went something like this:
me: hey, mom! i cut off all my hair and dyed it blue!
mom: (sound of Drano being poured into shot glass, downed)
eire: congratulations on earning a shorter nickname 'cause i'm lazy. well, gotta say that's the first time anyone's offered to paste my head -- in a non-threatening sense, anyway. combine that with a boobie compliment, and you've set me all a flutter!
kronos: did. put it in a little glass box prepared just for the occasion. pre-printed brass plaque: "The Pen I Nicked From Kronos/ PBP 2003". i'm thinking of upping his meds.
littlexander: probably won't be visiting the UK anytime soon. can barely spell it to begin with.
Nikka: thanks so much for working the auction and raising money for all those sick kids. you guys were really the stars of the evening, in my opinion.
okay, folks. must to be writing.
- -mere- says:
(Tue Feb 18 20:36:27 2003|
- (as per usual, Artie, forgetting everything you told me about color codes.)
ooooh! that Drew Goddard is SO CUTE! i just wanna hug 'im and squeeze 'im and lick his eyebrows! cuddle his cuticles and nuzzle his lymph nodes, then i wanna buy him some raspberry yogurt, make him read Dostoevsky, then mow the lawn wearing control-top pantyhose! he's so DREAMY!
tralfie: please to stop with the "cool" "universe" "person" thing whereas truth is known me = dork and much wanting to stay quiet in little cavern have dug for myself. smoochie. p.s. ee cummings? faboo.
and pre-emptively for the record, may it please the Beta that i am NOT, in fact, heaving my (bitty) bosoms toward camera in any PBP photos; it was simply the only way the dress would stay up without a staplegun.
good to see everybody -- DeKnight and i had a blast.
kisses and love,